Rochester School District Redistricting Project

In support of the mission of the Rochester School District (RSD) to provide exceptional instruction with a personalized focus so every scholar can thrive academically and socially, we regularly assess the ability of our schools to provide equitable access to every student in our community, including how to best distribute resources and scholars to each school. 

It’s with that in mind that we built the new Salmon Falls School (opening in Fall 2025) plus will be closing the William Allen School and School Street School at the end of the 2024-25 school year.

These changes make it necessary to do a redistricting transition across the district. RSD is committed to a transparent redistricting process that includes sharing information early and in a timely manner through the resources here and regularly at School Board meetings. 

Your feedback and input are welcome at those meetings and through our Family Information phone line (603-332-3678 ext 1145) and/or our dedicated email address

Please continue to check back to this page for ongoing updates. We will be adding more information, resources for helping children and families transition to new schools (when necessary) and sharing feedback results. Together, we are committed to making this process collaborative and equitable to benefit our scholars, staff and community.

Current Timeline and Activities for Redistricting


Redistricting Plan Options as of December 13, 2024
Please review the three plans presented here and share your feedback.
*Some school assignments may change based on enrollment during spring and summer

Plan Table

Proposed Street and School Assignments*
Street by street assignment charts are being revamped and will be posted here later in the week. Street by street maps for each option are available below.

*Some school assignments may change based on enrollment during spring and summer

Redistricting Map Options

We Want to Hear From You!

To share your thoughts, concerns, questions please contact us through the Family Information phone line (603-332-3678 ext 1145) or our dedicated redistricting email address at